Tailwind CDN.

Oh, I love meta-frameworks. Except when they disappear. And after writing online for over 20 years now, and seeing many good things immolate, I'm very careful before I imbibe.

'Course we live in a world now where if you're not redesigning your website frequently, you're relegated ... so it's not the crisis it was 10, 15 years ago.

I'm just reminded of the time I dropped Adobe products for open-source. I thought, "Yeah, save money. Same functionality, if a little more time-consuming to accomplish things. No big deal."

What I didn't realize was I abandoned a decade or more of keystroke memory, that I had to re-learn when I returned to Adobe in utter frustration at the open-source equivs. I wasted tons of time restoring keystroke reflexes to my satisfaction, and felt the complete and utter fool for increasing my postproduction time.

So - in usual long-winded fashion - meta-frameworks are cool. But don't let them overwrite your core knowledge.

And I can't wait to play with this one.