Guardian.UK: Billy Graham was on the wrong side of history.

... when his influence really would have counted, when he could have effected real change, real social transformation, he was too locked into last-days fearmongering to recognize the potential of the state to do good. We are all paying the price.

Thanks to certain beloved Southern Baptist relations, I've sat through more than one of his television epics when I was in my 20's. My take: his broadcasts were always riveting, but when it came to using his prescriptions out in the real world, his own followers wouldn't practice what he preached. 

This was the '80's, of course, when Tipper Gore was in full anti-rock-music shred; Graham sat back and loved to relate (I paraphrase): "I'm not concerned. Teens have been doing this for hundreds of years. Eventually they'll all get haircuts." Grunge was just around the corner; shorter haircuts in general, even darker messages. But no makeup.

Later: Interestingly, he did a TED talk. In the late '90's, right as weblogging was starting up. Scoop in at 10:00, and think about today's social media, esp. in political commentary. And what 'evangelicalism' stands for today.