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TikTok has me bawling my friggin' eyes out.

To the former Mrs. Bezos: Could you please pony up some cash for me to buy like 100 acres of land? TikTok keeps feeding me videos of poor dogs in shelters who remain unadopted. The latest one was four years old, something like 906 days in the shelter. That’s 3/4 of life, looking out a cyclone fence. A pretty little black lab, nothing visibly wrong with her. 4’ of cinderblock and metal is her only view. Jesus Christ, I cry for some movies, but these videos when they hit, I’m bawling my eyes out. GIVE ME ALL THE DOGS. I’ll adopt all the ones I can find, love them and let them run free. The videos are killing me. And of course, once I start watching, I can’t stop until the end … and when they talk about euthanizing them … #*%&@($&$ ….

Things like this: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTg4jJa/. [Graphic/no blood.] I would go postal on the people who did this.

[Excuse this momentary loss of propriety. TikTok knows how to hit me in the feels.]