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Wales Review: On Jean Giono - Translating the untranslatable.

I adore Giono.The Horseman on the Roof” was a great warning many years ago, that we just got done living through (are we done?). Apparently I missed this new book when it was released - I’m running to go get a print version. That’s how much I love his writing. Hopefully this is another good translation.

Brief characteristic DM! digression: What’s really fun is to contrast the book “Angelo” with “Horseman” … “Angelo” is the sort of pre-book, Giono’s early thoughts in creating Angelo and Pauline’s characters for “Horseman.” But DO NOT read it before fully enjoying “Horseman.” And DO get the movie. Hard to find in the US now. It’s where I fell in permanent love with Juliette Binoche - brunette with compelling brown eyes. A gorgeously shot, indulgent film, wonderful symphonic soundtrack. The US versions may have sections edited out - find a European version and convert it (if you can afford to).

The Count of Monte Cristo” is my chosen desert island read, but “Horseman” is a close second. I think after I shift off this mortal coil, I’ll forever be an Angelo on the roads of this world, escaping crazy fellow humans. Myself and a spirit horse, forever wandering. I like the vision.