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So, dark again. Almost done.

A whole list of things have to be choreographed this week. I’m manifesting best outcomes, because perfection in execution is obviously ridiculous to expect around these parts. In spite of many roadblocks, many dark nights of the soul, I’ve done all I can humanly do, borne all I can humanly bear. I’ve rebuilt my social and business networks, more. The rest is up to the Universe.

Any small updates during the week, I’ll date/time and add on this post.

4/17 - I go truly silent now (later: riiiight). I wish you all a fantastic end to the week - any hour, any time, completion. Has to be this week. Beginning another timeline. No more delays. Manifest best outcome … remain true, dedicated to my desire.

Should I do The Murph this year? Putting 20 pounds in my pack for this weekend.

To the young man I met at the parking lot at GBP this morning: The book is “Stuttering: The Disorder of Many Theories” by Gerald Jonas. Will seem pricey, but reading it is priceless. Do buy it, or have your father do so. Cool as you thought I was, I am living much as you are. Nothing special. That book gave me the tools to thrive in a world of fluents. Mine enfolds a letter from my late father, who - for the one and only time - apologized for all the heartache I had to go through with this malady. He discovered the book, read it, and finally understood, then sent it on. It is priceless to me. Encourage your family to read it. It will change your life. I tell you now, keep your heart open. We all tend to dive into this: “Your prison is walking through this world all alone.” That song (much as I love it) has chased me through my entire life; don’t let it happen to you. People may never understand, but with familiarity and patience, they will care. But you must be strong in yourself. I have faith in you. Walk away from bullies. Why are they always so fluent? Rest assured, stutterers have higher IQs; your silence will speak loud. None of the ‘mouths’ in my experience ever amounted to anything. Be unapologetically yourself. Start writing for yourself. It helped me immensely. Use that thesaurus in your head - the one your father is so proud of - your words will have impact. Bring all of your soul and fluency to the page! Remember that life is fun. Don’t let others take that from you. Comment or use my contact form, and I’ll send you my email address. It’s a busy time here, but I will get back to you.
— Garret.

4/16 - Joined Telegram to reach a specific person, and had an old friend make contact out of the blue. I’d wondered where he disappeared to - turns out he made a killing early in the cryptocurrency market. Moved, remarried, thriving. He’d gone through so much personal pain, enormous upheaval while here in Santa Fe. I’m so happy for him! He and I have similar workstyles, doing many things well, gravitating towards successes. I see this as good omen. His life is now far beyond what his original dreams were. Congrats, Larry.

Also: Will Broadhead is killing the Mille Miglia photos this year. His Insta. More in his Insta stories. I can imagine the mayhem trying to get ahead of the characteristic cars, getting setup for those special shots.

And: I came across this the other day. I’ll keep watching, hoping a for-sale sign pops up. Projects like this get abandoned all the time. Just the thing to put on rural land someplace and rebuild. Already stripped! The floor looks decent. I can already visualize myself getting whacked in the face trying to curve thin panelling to the walls. Wouldn’t want to trailer it. Park it, fix it up. Break out the polish each spring. Just one idea out of a thousand

So much for being dark. Done ‘dicking around’. Off to appointments + work.

4/16 Afternoon: GNC is NOT going to give me discounts from here on. I’ve given two of their clerks hints about going to work at A/V houses in Albuquerque to make more money. Both have left, sending me thank-you notes. I just advised the new clerk the exact same thing …

4/15 - It’s the end of a long Monday for me - high winds in NM, grey clouds blew in, general coordination issues, conflict, really annoying web host situation, a slightly complex video edit - but cheer up, chickens. Things ain’t so bad. Dance and smile. Things work out as they’re supposed to, one way or another. Sun’ll be back out, and properly, before ya’ll know it.

4/14 - Brief Digression: Do you believe energy can be transmitted by humans? Let me explain. I’ve done this a few times now. I don’t often leave Zari, my Aussie Shepherd, alone. I trust her, but just in case I’ve been setting up my iPad with FaceTime, muted, to watch her. Each time I go out, she settles by the front door. I’m miles away when I wrap up and think of her. The minute I do so, she gets up and starts anticipating my return. I can even cast her a thought, asking her intuitively to get on the couch to watch, or go to the bedroom to listen for my truck. It’s an astonishing circumstance. No science whatsoever in this; if this is magic, I prefer it. I don’t profess to be magic myself - this is just a phenomenon. My thoughts focus on her, and she responds. I’ve astonished more than one person now, demonstrating this. Call me loony.

Now I wonder if I’m the one generating the thought of giving her treats at random times - or if she is (LOL).