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Ever hear of "zettelkasten"?

The latest rabbit-hole I’m diving into. My Evernote has become a black hole of thousands (15,000+ tags alone) of aged content. I need something better. Been looking at The Archive and have downloaded Obsidian. Longtime readers will recall my experiences with The Brain (too pricey now), also.

I’d really like to have a filing system to back up my grey matter in a more useful, Google-Search-like manner. But moreso, to save some of my longer writings. I’m discovering lately that blogging has ‘built’ me for longer form pieces, and I’d like to categorize and save them in useful (quick recall) formats. So many times, when composing a longer blog post, I recall a piece of writing from the past. I can’t tell if I’ve stuffed it in Ulysses, Drafts, IA Writer, Evernote, FreeMind, Notes, Omni Outliner, Open Office, Google Docs, OneDrive, Yojimbo, Highland 2, Scrivener, Word, Pages, Textedit, or wherever. After decades of writing for the internet, I’ve got good things stuffed in every nook and cranny on my hard drives, depending on what latest whizzy app or app update I was fiddling with, in order to give a salient comment on the blog.

I’ve been terrifically disorganized with my longer writings, and now I need to pay the piper. I really wish I’d come up with some dazzlingly brilliant method of naming files, but alas … it never crossed my mind until now.

Consider this a ‘spring cleaning’. Thought others might want to peek, too.