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Personal Improvement: Reason and magic.

This is more ‘personal’ improvement than the official entries I’ve been posting. Or maybe just insanity. And a Sunday night ramble after much tax prep. Trying to banish the images of figures from my brain.

Those who have known me for a long period, know of the conundrum. I am a logical, reasoning person … with a very deep and extensive imagination. It’s been that way since I was a child. I was the one who imagined worlds to place both my toys and my friends within. Couches were mountains - or desert canyons. I could smell the dust on the wind, see the horizon beyond the pillows. I could see, feel and taste it all. Complete immersion. I could stay within that fantasy for hours.

Puberty ravaged much of it, but a significant chunk remains. It is not a childish imagination, but a fruitful one, available when I call for it. I thank the deities above I was able to preserve this piece of youth.

Cut to Santa Fe today, and I find so many circumstances where the line between reality and magic collide here. Frequent experiences, synchronicities baffle my logical brain. I think this is what I most admire about my Native friends; to them, there is nothing surprising about this dichotomy. In them, I have found kindred spirits.

You will notice I switched ‘magic’ for ‘imagination’. That’s my logical brain fighting with a rather medieval view of unpredictable, beautiful, frightening experiences. I know of no other way to describe them. When I relate the story of the savagely violent traffic accidents under the shadow of the mesa upon which Arroyo Hondo pueblo stands, and tell listeners of the witches seeking victims … a scientist told me of this. A scientist! “The witches of Arroyo Hondo desire blood.” And they get it, in a horribly realized fashion, and all too frequently. There is no scientific theory to cover it. Yet science recognizes it. There are logical explanations for the accidents. Not for the frequency or location. It’s straight, clear road.

I share these observations, these experiences with few. One has to be energized, open to mystical encounters. I argue with those who worship logic: if we exist in a sort of Matrix, what is denied us? Perhaps it is our inheritance to hack it.

I know this sounds mind-bogglingly idiotic on first hearing. I’m not expressing myself well. Many of you will think I’ve lost the thread. Read “The Haunted Mesa” by Louis L’Amour [Amazon Affliate link]. Fiction. A rollicking good evening’s read. But if you live here, you’ll suspect it’s not so far fetched.

Still, I find connections between this world and other realities. I am not a devotee of “The Secret”, or flapping my cake-hole over quantum mechanics. I simply believe in parallel universes, in which all permutations are realized. I find the veil between these universes may be thinner than we imagine; thinner in New Mexico than other places I’ve lived. If time moves through us (instead of us moving through time) - because there is only now - maybe we are continually shifting universes in similar manner as we make every choice in our days of life. Getting out of bed at 6 shifts me to one universe, whereas sleeping late shifts me to another? And that shift, that choice, that energy has knock-on effects throughout the day? I took x branch, so only x branch options are available until we reset in a period of unconsciousness?

I also find the use of energy fascinating. I grew up with a rather dour parent, and exuding energy over anything was alien to me for many years. But when I do express energy outwards - even just as basic as walking with a jaunt and a smile, it is simply astonishing what one can manifest. The best things happen when you exude your enthusiasm, interest or skill energetically. The world seems different, immediately. These energy shifts feel very much to me like universe-shifts.

I will put in a plug here for dropping people and circumstances who drain your energy. Vampires of energy do exist - and you all know this. Minimize your exposure. Keep your energy for better things. My animation mentor, the great Eli Bauer of Terrytoons fame, demonstrated to me how one can completely transform a meeting with one’s personal energy, only to collapse afterwards from the extreme deficit in one’s own soul.

I don’t know. I know it all sounds nuts. But when even the Big Bang is up for interpretation (thanks to the Webb Telescope), reality seems fair game. I feel if I look too closely, the magic will be gone. I grew up in Princeton, with many brilliant minds around. I know the deep knowledge of scholars - and their distinctly narrow blinders focusing on their subject matter. Missing the forest for the trees seemed to be a motto in certain circles in the intelligentsia. Scientific method is great - except when it’s not. It is designed to give us better theories; but it is not the only generator of theory. Theories are not always right, many are just unproven guesses. I think life is best as a series of experiments. I still enjoy simple wonder. And awe.

I do feel like there must be some way to ‘hack’ new age manifestation. But I also think that if one did, how boring reality would be. I look for the guru who blew his brains out; he’s likely the one who discovered how to manifest the pearl in the universe’s oyster.

An example: I know for a fact one circumstance experienced in one time, can generate a result years later … in the exact same spot at almost the exact same time. The mindboggler is, I am not sure if the later event wasn’t the cause of the earlier! This experience seems that way. Damned if I’ll probe it further, for fear of destroying the magic. I pray more circumstances occur at that place, that I can directly experience.

I’ll write about it, someday.

Hopefully I haven’t scared you all off. Just having a mental dump night. In the meantime, do a parallel universe jump tomorrow morning - exude some positive energy as you venture out first thing in the morning. See if it sticks with you through the day.